Beautiful start to the day

The park ranger lady was cleaning up trash at Wollaston Beach. She agreed with me that it's pretty amazing that there's trash on the ground 10 feet from either of the 2 barrels near this bench. I guess it's the product of poor upbringing (yes, Mom, that's a compliment !).

The bumper stickers say "I'd rather be fishing". This looks to me like it could be improved by a portable fold-up canvas chair, but what do I know about fishing ? I love to sit in the boat, and I would hang out here with a cooler, but my favorite fish has already been caught and cleaned.
I was talking to a guy who was walking the beach at the end of Squantum Point. He walks every morning with his dog and picks up the broken glass that the kids leave behind. The dog always finds something to play with (a crushed piece of PVC pipe this time). He says it's easier than playing with the dog himself !